Akranes Trade Union - Verkalýðsfélag Akraness
General information
Members of the Akranes Trade Union (VLFA), can contact the office in need of assistance regarding i.e.:
Interpretation of collective agreements.
Assistance with preserving your rights.
Assistance with collecting unpaid wages.
Legal consult with the Unions lawyer.
Apply for grants from the health fund and for education.
Health fund
Akranes trade Union´s health fund provides grants to members for several types of exercise, health promotion and many other things. The health fund also provides sickness benefits.
Full rights to grants from the health fund according to art. 12.10 are based on paid membership fees of the lowest rate accoding to the collective agreement of SGS with SA for the last 12 months. Those who have paid less are entitled to a grant in proportion to the membership fees paid.
A member must be paying to the Union when applying.
More information about which grants are available can be read below, by contacting the Union office or by e-mail vlfa@vlfa.is
Application forms: Health fund - Sickness benefits
The application must be accompanied by the vendor's receipt with applicant’s name, social security number and what is being paid and payment confirmation (it can be a screenshot of bank transfer, payment slip or other confirmation that payment has been made).
Applications are processed at the end of the month in which all documents have been turned in.
Up to ISK 170.000 upon the birth of a child to a parent who is a member. A birth certificate is required.
The condition is that payments have been made continuously to the fund for at least 6 last months.
Education grants
Information and application form can be found here and is categorized by where you are working:
General labor market - Landsmennt
Municipality (for example, Akraneskaupstaður, Höfði, Borgarbyggð) - Sveitamennt
Government (for example, HVE, FVA) – Ríkismennt
Fishery – Sjómennt
Individual grants for education at college, university, language course or other courses to enhance skill is up to ISK 130.000 per year based on the calendar year. Payment never exceeds 80% of study cost.
The grant amount is determined by the membership fees paid.
Individual grants for leisure/recreation courses and reimbursement for these can be for 80% of the cost but never more than ISK 130.000 per year, which is also subtracted from the individuals total annual amount of ISK 130.000.
Together with the application, an invoice (with name, social security number and specified what is being paid) and the receipt must be submitted. We do not accept invoices older than 12 months.
Certified tradesman – Iðan fræðslusetur
Iðan is an educational center in industry and provides lifelong education for employees in the automotive, construction and civil engineering, metal and mechanical engineering, printing and media, and food and catering industries. The course offerings are diverse and in constant development, as it is an important role in providing companies and individuals with new knowledge and skills as needed.
Leisure /vacation
The Union owns 10 leisure/summerhouses and three apartments in Akureyri.
Information about houses can be found here.
On the Félagavefur you can find information about summerhouses and book a stay.
The rent is paid in advance, you receive a lease agreement with further information. Before you go for your stay you must come to the office and get mops and rags. In some houses there is a phone-controlled gate to access the area of the house and you must pick up a phone at the Union office before you go.
After the stay you are obliged to clean the house and return the mops/rags to the office (you do not have to clean them before returning them).
In the winter you can rent a house for the weekend (Friday – Monday) or single nights during weekdays.
The price for houses over the winter is ISK 16.000 – 19.000 depending on the house rented.
Single night ISK 5.500 - 6.500
Over the summer (June-August) the houses are rented for one week at a time (Wednesday – Wednesday). A special allocation of houses takes place in March/April every year. Application forms are available at the office and on our login page at the Unions web page with electronic ID. The number of points earned controls the distribution (you earn one point for every month you pay member fees to the Union).
The price for houses over the summer is ISK 22.000 – 25.000 depending on the house rented.
Easter week is rented from Wednesday - Wednesday in a special allocation. Applications are accepted at the Unions office, and for everyone to have an equal chance, a lottery draw is held to determine who will be allocated a summer house that week. For further information please contact the Union office
Due to changes at Íslandshotels, gift vouchers are not for sale. Hotel accommodation options are being reviewed.
Hotel voucher for Íslandshótel
Price ISK 10.000 and one point is deducted. Every member can buy 5 vouchers per year.
The voucher is valid for a double room with breakfast at 3-star hotels. If you book a stay at a 4-star hotel you must pay extra at the hotel.
When booking a room, you must send an e-mail to the hotel and inform them that you are paying with a voucher (the voucher number), which date and which hotel you want to book accommodation at and your social security number.
To buy voucher please contact the Union´s office or by r e-mail vlfa@vlfa.is
Feel free to contact the Union office, Þjóðbraut 1, by e-mail vlfa@vlfa.is or by phone 4309900 if you have any questions regarding your rights.